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The Founder of Digg

 Caroline O’Neill is a mummy, a wife and a business woman who has also become an online influencer due to her love of social media. 


Over the past six years DIGG has evolved into a place which showcases and supports the things she is most passionate about: family, lifestyle, leveraging social media for good, inspiring individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations, fostering business growth and extending support to those in greatest need.

The DIGG brand has grown to become a lifestyle and business brand that is recognised globally.


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Join The Digg Community in celebrating good times, supporting each other through tough times, and recognising those who are doing their best in life.

Together, we celebrate family, support businesses, and help our communities when they need it most.

Real Lives, Real Moments.

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Simple Skincare Routine to Restore and Maintain Healthy, Glowy Skin
SKINICIAN is an Irish skincare brand founded in Northern Ireland by mother and daughter duo, Shelley Martin and Hilary McMurray. With...
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Digg Community Spotlight: Niamh Louise Foundation, Essential Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Support in Northern Ireland
The Niamh Louise Foundation helps individuals and families affected by mental health issues and suicide.
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Balancing Business and Motherhood: Insights from Linda Stinson
As the founder and CEO of Bellamianta, Linda Stinson has left her mark on the beauty industry by transforming the self-tanning market...





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