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Digg for Success

Digg Deep for Kids

The Founder of Digg

 Caroline O’Neill is a mummy, a wife and a business woman who has also become an online influencer due to her love of social media. 


Over the past six years DIGG has evolved into a place which showcases and supports the things she is most passionate about: family, lifestyle, leveraging social media for good, inspiring individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations, fostering business growth and extending support to those in greatest need.

The DIGG brand has grown to become a lifestyle and business brand that is recognised globally.


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Join The Digg Community in celebrating good times, supporting each other through tough times, and recognising those who are doing their best in life.

Together, we celebrate family, support businesses, and help our communities when they need it most.

Real Lives, Real Moments.

Digg Blog
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Digg Community Spotlight: Volunteering for the Southern Health and Social Care Trust.
Recently I accompanied a family member to Craigavon Area Hospital Accident and Emergency Department. As with most people in that waiting...
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Spend 24hrs in Belfast City
The perfect 24hrs in Belfast City. Lots of recommendations and advice on how to make the most of your trip. Check it out now.
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Plan your family holiday to Donegal.
It is no secret that our favourite County to visit is County Donegal. We love every part of it but have a particular fondness for the...





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